An Easy Way to Activate Windows & Office Suite
Haven’t you still Activated your copy of Windows or Microsoft Office???
KMSpico is the 100% guaranteed Tool to Activate Windows or Office within just 5 seconds.
How to Install & Activate
Temporary Disable your antivirus software.((IMPORTANT! Otherwise KMSPico will be unable to modify Windows Registry entries that activates the Windows/Office)
Download the latest version of KmsPico From Here
(Alternative Download Link)
Complete the installation and wait for KMSpico to run automatically.
(Optional) Create a tokens backup with the buttom: Create.
Press the Red Button.
This will Activate,
Windows Vista Any Version
Windows 7 Any Version
Windows 8 /8.1 Any Version
Windows Server 2008/2008R2
Windows Server 2012/2012R2
Microsoft Office 2010 Any Version
Microsoft Office 2013 Any Version
Microsoft Office 365