‘Dabangg’ girl of Bollywood, Sonakshi Sinha, seems to be working hard to shed off her extra few pounds. Shotgun junior, who has always been comfortable with curves and weight posted a selfie on Twitter showing off her well toned body in black leggings and a spaghetti top.
The stunning picture of Sonakshi, that was taken just after her two hours of workout was captioned, “Woke up at 6am. Dint know what to do. Put on some @asliyoyo music on full blast and BAM – 2 hour workout done! #postworkoutselfie #ifeelgood.”
While the actress has always been in news for her extra pounds, her contemporary Parineeti Chopra, is also working to hard to get out of the “overweight category”. Parineeti recently said in her interview, “My endeavour is to lose weight. I was always put in the overweight category. Earlier, I ignored it and thought I should focus more on acting than all these things. But, it was stupid on my part to think that way, because one has to look good.”
However, the ‘Dirty Picture’ girl, Vidya Balan, still stands firm with her curvacious Indian body and beauty.
IMAGE & SOURCE: Manipalworldnews