In spite of all the speculation surrounding the next Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella did come out the victor. I’m not sure if bets on the side were made regarding this, but if you were part of one and put your money on Nadella, then you’re probably one very happy person right now. But maybe not as happy as Nadella, who is reported to be receiving a $1.2 million salary. On top of that, he’ll have a stock award worth $13.2 million and is eligible for an annual bonus up to $3.6 million. The numbers are already beyond my wildest imagination!
Satya Nadella
While Nadella may have the brightest outlook in terms of financial compensation, it seems things are even brighter for him in terms of what the company is going to focus on in the future.
According to a report by AP, Nadella has declared the company’s focus: mobile-first, cloud-first world.
It’s not really that surprising considering that prior to being promoted to CEO, Nadella was known as the “cloud guy”. Elaborating a little on his declaration:

“The question for us is how do we thrive in that world. What innovation can we bring? Everything is going to be connected to cloud and data…All of this will be mediated by software. To me, the heritage that this company has is still very relevant. We have to renew it. We have to do new things. But at the same time we should be very, very confident of  in our capability around software as it comes to these new experiences.”
That does exude confidence, especially considering that Nadella has requested Bill Gates to play a hands-on role as the new CEO’s adviser. And with Gates agreeing to leave his position as Chairman of the Board, this shows solidarity – which can only result in good things.
Maybe a new Microsoft era is indeed dawning.

IMAGE & SOURCE: Techbeat